Nerdy Babies: Rain Forests
In Nerdy Babies: Rain Forests, follow our intrepid babies on an adventure into the depths of the rain forest. Take a peek into the dense foliage and uncover the millions of plants and animals that live inside. Plus, learn how to tell the difference between the kinds of rain forests--temperate and tropical--in this simple text written in question-and-answer format.
With bright artwork and an engaging design, Nerdy Babies is a series that the very littlest nerds will want to return to again and again.
Stay curious. There's more to learn about everything!
Emmy Kastner is the author of the Nerdy Babies series. She is also a former classroom teacher and the co-founder of Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK), a nonprofit devoted to celebrating and amplifying youth voices through creative writing and reading. She lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with her husband and three curious kids.