We, the Curious Ones
By Marion Dane Bauer
Shimmering poetry and stunning cut-paper art portray epic concepts--the evolving biography of the universe and the symbiotic relationship between science and story.
Since the beginning, humans have created stories about the universe. From early mythology to modern-day science is a long journey, yet 95 percent of the world "out there" remains a mystery. What will we believe tomorrow? Marion Dane Bauer's glowing poetry combines with Hari & Deepti's intricate cut-paper illustrations, dazzling with light and shadow, to celebrate an active, vital, changing, and growing universe. They also show how we humans--the curious ones, the storytellers--are active, vital, changing, and growing, too. In a comprehensive afterword, the author tracks formative contributions to the study of the universe by Western and non-Western civilizations over the centuries.